Vulnerabilities, Exploits, and Threats Explained

现在连接到互联网的设备比以往任何时候都多. This is music to an attacker's ears, 因为他们很好地利用了打印机和相机等机器,这些机器从来没有被设计用来抵御复杂的入侵. 它让公司和个人都重新思考他们的网络有多安全.

As the amount of these incidents rises, 我们需要对它们对企业和消费者构成的危险进行分类的方式也是如此. 在讨论网络风险时,最常见的三个术语是漏洞, exploits, and threats.

Learn about 7 common types of cyberattacks.

What is a Vulnerability?

即使在构建和编码技术的过程中,错误也会发生. 这些错误留下的东西通常被称为bug. 虽然bug本身并不是有害的(除了对技术的潜在性能有害之外), 许多漏洞可以被不法分子利用——这些漏洞被称为漏洞. 漏洞可以被利用来迫使软件以它不希望的方式运行, 例如收集有关当前安全防御的信息.

一旦一个bug被确定为一个漏洞,它就会被MITRE注册为一个 CVE, or common vulnerability or exposure, 并分配了一个通用漏洞评分系统(CVSS)分数,以反映它可能给您的组织带来的潜在风险. 此cve的中心列表可作为以下方面的参考点 vulnerability management solutions.

一般来说,漏洞扫描程序将扫描并将您的环境与 vulnerability database, or a list of known vulnerabilities; the more information the scanner has, the more accurate its performance. 一旦团队有了漏洞报告,开发人员就可以使用 penetration testing as a means to see where the weaknesses are, 这样就可以解决问题,避免未来的错误. When employing frequent and consistent scanning, 您将开始看到漏洞之间的公共线程,以便更好地理解整个系统. Learn more about vulnerability management and scanning.

Security Vulnerability Examples

A Security Vulnerability is a weakness, flaw, 或者在安全系统中发现的错误,有可能被威胁代理利用,从而危及安全网络.


    • Broken Authentication: When authentication credentials are compromised, 用户会话和身份可能被恶意行为者劫持,以冒充原始用户. 
    • SQL Injection: As one of the most prevalent security vulnerabilities, SQL注入试图通过恶意代码注入获得对数据库内容的访问权. 成功的SQL注入可以让攻击者窃取敏感数据, spoof identities, 并参与其他有害活动的集合.
    • Cross-Site Scripting: Much like an SQL Injection, 跨站点脚本(XSS)攻击也会向网站注入恶意代码. However, a Cross-site scripting attack targets website users, rather than the actual website itself, which puts sensitive user information at risk of theft.
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery: 跨站点请求伪造(CSRF)攻击的目的是欺骗经过身份验证的用户执行他们不打算执行的操作. This, paired with social engineering, 是否可以欺骗用户意外地向恶意行为者提供个人数据. 
    • Security Misconfiguration: 由于配置错误而可能被攻击者利用的安全系统的任何组件都可以被视为“安全错误配置”.” 

各种规模的漏洞都可能导致数据泄露,并最终导致数据泄露. What is a data leak? 当数据意外地从组织内部泄漏时,就会发生数据泄漏, as opposed to a data breach, which is the result of data being stolen. Data leakage is usually the result of a mistake. 例如:将包含敏感或机密信息的文档发送给错误的电子邮件收件人, saving the data to a public cloud file share, 或者在公共场所将未解锁设备上的数据供他人查看.

What is a Cybersecurity Exploit?

利用是攻击者找到漏洞后的下一个步骤. Exploits are the means through which a vulnerability can be leveraged for malicious activity by hackers; these include pieces of software, sequences of commands, or even open-source exploit kits. 

What is a Cyber Threat?

威胁是指攻击者使用漏洞的假设事件. The threat itself will normally have an exploit involved, as it's a common way hackers will make their move. 一个黑客可能会在评估什么会带来最大的回报后,同时使用多个漏洞. 虽然目前还没有什么灾难性的事情发生, 它可以让安全团队或个人了解是否需要针对特定的安全措施制定行动计划.

虽然你似乎经常听到世界上发生新的攻击或网络威胁, 这些术语可以帮助进一步了解安全专业人员每天处理的阶段和危险. So, what can you do to lower your overall risk? For a  proactive approach, 使用漏洞管理工具扫描环境中的漏洞. To stay responsive to unwanted activity, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) 是否有一个系统的过程可以更容易地控制网络上发生的事情. SIEM工具可以帮助企业建立强大的、主动的防御措施,以抵御黑客攻击 patch 威胁、利用和漏洞,以保证其环境安全.

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